Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Misc blog trivia

Some interesting blog facts:
Since I started this blog back in December of 2005 (7 years ago - wow), the site has had over 20,000 hits or views. Recently we've averaged about 20 a day. You all must love seeing my babies as much as I enjoy it!

Operating System: 86% of you use windows, 9% macs, and the rest on unix or tablets.

Browser type: 46% use internet explorer, 39% firefox, 5% chrome and 5% safari

The page most viewed is from 11/1/10 with 128 views - Crossville Treehouse

Countries you are all from - US, Israel, Belgium, Spain, UK, Russia, Netherlands, France, Germany, Canada, China, Latvia and Luxembourg - I think the last 3 are where most of my spam hits come from!

Hang on - in another 7 years we'll be going into 2020 and my babies won't be babies!

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