I hit the road tomorrow to see Grandkids! I have a morning meeting, noon meeting, afternoon meeting in Murfreesboro and I head north right afterward. Hope to get away from M. by 3pm and get to Ohio by 10:30 there time - at least no blizzard like last time!!
I'm ready to hear about a new brother for Anna too! If he is born tomorrow, it will be the only day his birthday is ever on Easter. (A free trivia thought for the day).
Looks like rain here - hey, where's the sun! Have a great day.
More rain and overcast weather - okay Sun, I know you're up there!
A busy but great day ahead - meetings, conference call, I have to give a speech at lunch for a business group and a late afternoon client meeting - wow, the days fly by quick!
Cindy sent me this photo yesterday - I believe she is having a great time!
Tornado watch here - the air is calm after a huge storm last night. At exactly 5:45 a huge clap of thunder about shook me out of bed - God's alarm clock!
I love my babies even when they are sleeping. Did you ever consider you love your kids not because of what they do, but just because of who they are - yours!
I wonder if God loves us the same way - here I strive to do stuff to make Him pleased, when he just wants to spend time with me and loves me for who I am.
Do you think he watches us when we sleep too and smiles?
Sorry no posts yesterday - was at a jobsite all day. Our computer not connecting to internet this morning so uploading this from my phone - hopefully back on track tomorrow!
First thing I ever drove was a tractor. Grandpa Parker had to move a tractor from one field to another and I drive it several miles down a country road with him following in his pick-up. The tricky part was the hand accelerator and it had a foot clutch you had to shove in or it would die and the brakes were two-pedaled - one for each tire - you had to depress both at once to stop. Thanks Gramps for trusting me - I sure miss you!
Anna is missing her grandparents - it's okay to call them honey.
Another fine day ahead - overcast and rain projected. We had two great folks leave our company this week with better offers elsewhere - guess who got some of their work - hmmm... It shapes us to be pretty busy.
Well, tons of rain yesterday and last night and we had a tornado watch most of the day and evening. The tornado siren near my office went off several times - I got tired of them coming on the office intercom and telling us to come downstairs. We did get some touch downs and some serious damage around us though.
My Butler lost last night - they just looked worn out - the UConn defense was intense. Now what's on?
Windy days yesterday and today - a storm rolls in tomorrow and a few cold days - hopefully the last! Oh wait, there is still blackberry winter, or is it stump winter, or ...