Sunday, September 30, 2012

Overcast Sunday - rain?

Another fine, but quiet, day ahead. At least for me; Cindy probably has babies crawling all over her today - and loving it!

Got a lot of personal stuff done yesterday - always feels good to get things out of the way, huh?

This will be a short work week. Off to Ohio Friday to love on my babies - and those people who live with them.

Church coming up in a bit - I pray you have a great time at church today too - enjoy!!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Nice hat

An overcast day in Cookeville - looks like it could rain. My neighbor started at 7 am this morning working on his yard, thatching, seeding, etc - for his sake I hope it rains or he may do it next Saturday at 7 am again ...

I like Kardia's heading covering. I think she is ready to hold Rhiza. She's got the 'my turn' look.

I've got lots of personal paperwork today - getting ready to be gone next weekend. It'll be my turn to spoil Rhiza.

Friday, September 28, 2012

I'm the last one!

     Looks like I'll be one of the last ones to hold Rhiza. Anna seems to be enjoying it!

     It's Friday and I'm ready. This has been an extremely difficult week. Seems like everyone left messes and I got to wade in and clean them up. I've had better weeks.

     One bright note - we won an $18,000,000 project on a base in Georgia. We've got a record amount of work going - thanks goodness for military work though or we would be sweating it. God remains good!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Not Andy Williams

Well, Andy Williams died yesterday - one of my favorite singers from that era. I can still introduce Rhiza to his music though.

A quick trip to Crossville this morning, a lunch meeting here in town, a paperwork afternoon and mowing tonight. That's my life.

Cindy's is playing with babies and cleaning up after babies.

This is Rhiza meeting her older sister. She doesn't seem to notice ...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Rhiza Love Kleeman

 8 pounds 12 ounces

She is here!!!

Enjoy the photos!

A great Cookeville morning

Howdy from Tennessee! Another fine morning and a great day ahead. Paperwork, client meetings and a Pro-life Banquet tonight at the Leslie Town Center.

Cindy got met by these four characters and the 5th should be with us soon. Continue to pray for the new babies coming soon and their mommas.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Back to the Zoo

Cindy made it to Ohio okay. Just awaiting on a new baby now. Any date guesses out there?

A good but busy week ahead - large bid due Friday and next Monday - lots of work to get it ready.

Brrr - it's mid 30's out this morning - warming up this week, but it definitely is jacket weather in the evenings.

Gotta go - work calls, have a good week. Maybe today ...

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Wedding Bells

Greetings - Fall is definitely in the air - we hit the mid 40's last night for the first time this season. We're beginning to see a few trees turn colors too. Frost on the punkin' season.

This is from Brian's wedding - that is my folks on the right with me and Cindy behind. My sister to the right of Brian and all of her gang on the left plus Kaireia tucked in there. It was a nice wedding.

Church in a few minutes and then Cindy takes off for points north. It's baby time! Have a blessed week.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Another fine day

Good morning - mowed last night after work, so the sounds of my neighbors mowing is pleasant. Great to have that out of the way. Getting close to the end of mowing season with the cooler evenings.

Cindy takes off tomorrow to Ohio for a few week(s) to help out - let's see when Rhiza comes.

Gotta go - breakfast, errands and Cindy needs to pack. Love you!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Another week has flown by

    Yawn - could have slept a bit more this morning. Finished a huge bid late yesterday and have a one week gap until the next huge bid - whew!
    I meet a new prospect this morning and tons of paperwork to go through before I end the week. I will get through it - think positive.
    Cindy leaves Sunday to Ohio for awhile. Also, we are both feeling better. We've been told the yellow plant that's bothering us that's EVERYWHERE is Goldenrod. The fields are full of the stuff - where did it come from?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sweater weather

Another fine morning - weather wise that is. I'm feeling much better from allergies, but Cindy has it bad now. Pray she feels better before going to Ohio this weekend.

A great day ahead - a bid due at 11 am, a luncheon with 40 business professionals and a client meeting this afternoon. This day will fly!!

And hopefully dry enough to mow the jungle tonight. Woohoo!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Mid 40's - brrrr!

A cool night as it got down on the 40's. We're to get a bit warmer and then drop back down next week. Truly fall is in the air.

Monterey this morning, back to the office and paperwork and then church tonight. A good but busy day.

Now where are those warm clothes? ......

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rain, Rain and more rain

Good morning! Cookeville set a new rainfall record yesterday. 6 1/4" was the last total rainfall I saw, but I have not seen the official amount yet - we had flooding all over town. And more on the way!

No news - I was in Nashville all day yesterday - drove over in pouring rain, drove back in pouring rain - exciting ...

I hope you all have a safe and sound day - love you!

Monday, September 17, 2012

A long day ahead

Good morning! I have a morning meeting and then off to Nashville all afternoon. I'm in a network group and will be the next President, so a 1 pm to 6 pm class on that today. Should prove interesting.
I fought allergies all weekend - spent most of yesterday filled with allergy drugs and sleeping in my recliner - uggg! I don't like feeling bad.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

September Sunday

Some rain coming over the next few days and one evening this coming week it will even get down into the 40's. Sounding like frost on the punkin' again.

Church in a few minutes - it is always good to worship plus see church friends again. Enjoy!

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Another fine morning here - must be allergies in the air as my sinuses are killing me - however, it's worth it for the cooler weather.

I had a great week and I'm looking forward to a relaxing weekend. Cindy takes off in a week to head north to help Rachel as she gets ready for Rhiza - hard to believe it's that time already.

Gotta go - have a great day - love you!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Yawn ...

Got home after 9 pm last night from Kentucky - makes for kind of a long day. I could of used a bit more shut-eye this morning.

Hey, I'm gone for a day and you let old Ben Bernanke send out some more stimulus funds and the Embassies go to pot. I'm counting on you so don't let your guard down!

A crazy day to end the week - three bids due next week so a last minute scramble today to make sure we are ready. I also need to run over to Crossville and look at a project. Hang on - it's Friday!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

What happened??

I had this photo ready for Cindy's birthday yesterday and forgot to post it! Who's the old man now? Don't answer that ...

Another pleasant weather day - highs near 80 and evenings still close to 50 degrees. A beautiful time of year.

Off to Somerset Kentucky tonight. We start a new church design and I'm excited to kick it off for them.

Have a great day - I love you all!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Another bizzzzzy day

Another brisk morning - brisk is a code word for CHILLY! We've even seen a few leaves turning - hold on, it's still September.

All local work today - mostly shuffling papers. I always thought in construction you built stuff, but you spend more time on paperwork.

Nothing new here - hope all is well with you! We skyped (video Internet chat) with Neidon last night as the kids did not have cable on his birthday due to their move. He looked great and seemed pleased - those kids are sure growing up!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Another cool morning

Kaireia and Great Grandpa Jerry
Another fine weather day - yesterday was wonderful and this week should be about the same - woohoo!

Looks like some big story going on in this photo - I'm not sure who is the biggest story-teller!

Gotta go - a great week ahead - hang on!

Sunday, September 09, 2012

50 degree morning

This photo may be a year old - but the smile is just the same. I recently read that a 2 year old is like a blender with the top off. True!!

A chilly morning with a high today to be in the 70's - wonderful!

Church in a few minutes - looking forward to church and SS class!

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Rainy Saturday in forecast

Good morning - off to breakfast in a bit - it's a lot quieter with no kids to join us!

Well, did you have a good week? Mine was great - new projects at work, new things coming up at church & a good week ahead.

Rach and Darin are moving today into their new home - pray the rain holds back and everything goes safe and sound for them.

Two new grand-kids right around the corner - pray for Asher Reed Adams and Rhiza ? Kleeman and their mammas.

Friday, September 07, 2012

Not so casual Friday

Good morning - wow, another week has flown by. I pray we were successful in God's eyes - sometimes I wonder what even happened as the week flew by so quick.

New bids are still rolling in to quote on and we're still getting work - God is good, even if the government isn't - ha!

Take a moment and listen for God's voice today - I wonder if my busy thoughts and words push Him aside sometimes? Have a blessed day.

Thursday, September 06, 2012

You can sew ... wish I had known that

Another fine day ahead - overcast and rainy looking, but fairly cool so far.

No travels today - just good ole' paperwork.

Kaireia is learning about the sewing machine here from her Grandma. Life is good!

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Let me through!

It appears Lincoln is not supposed to be going up the stairs and Anna is attempting to block him. She needs to be a little bit taller to fill the stairs.

Well, the work week has begun - lots to do this week. Probably no post tomorrow as I have to be at the office by 6 am to get to the Wacker site early.

Have good week - we have a chance of rain - our yard is growing wild again!

Monday, September 03, 2012

Over 1" of rain

Cindy got home during a downpour last night - thanks for garage and automatic garage doors!

A few errands today and a lazy day too - woohoo! I like 3 day weekends.

Cindy is so used to being around grand-kids she cut up my meat on my plate last night! Not really, but it will take a while for her to come over to adult talk again. Ha!

It's always good to be back to normal. We love it when our kids are with us, we love being just the two of us too. Each is good in its own way.

Have a wonderful day!!

Sunday, September 02, 2012

Rain in the forecast

Good morning! Well, church in a few minutes - a new week ahead. Cindy returns today after church in Ohio and she will crash for a week - ha! Back to whatever 'normal' is!

No news - cut the grass yesterday and worked on the yard a bit before a light shower came through. Warm again, ready for fall to return once and for all.

Enjoy your worship service!

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Golden Eagles!

Tennessee Tech University has the Golden Eagle as their mascot - and Neidon loves him! We ran into him at the local fair when Neidon was here.

Football season started this week - I went to the Tenn Tech football game and had fun with friends. The game didn't end until 11 pm on a weekday night - uggg.

Cindy is still in Ohio and I'm about to mow the lawn - life is crazy as usual. Sometimes I wonder what is the norm? Have a great day - and a wonderful weekend.