It's a foggy morning here in Cookeville. Almost 3 inches of rain in the past 2 to 3 days which we really needed. I hear San Antonio is doing as well - we have two yards to keep up!
Here is that beautiful Kaireia - starting school this year and 5 years old in just a little over a month.
Summer is almost over - even thought it may not feel like it! Remember eating Popsicles on the back step and then needing a bath because you were sticky all over? Life is good.
Here are the grandkids getting ready to go to the reunion. They are looking great! They had a fun time and naturally, were so well behaved. They take after their grandpaws - Dale and me, of course.
We hadn't seen Reed and Audrey since last Christmas and we had not all gotten together for quite a while. The reunion was fun.
Hey - a lady from Cookeville just won the trivia question on 'Fox and Friends' a few minutes ago! And you thought we were Tennessee hicks! Goes to show!!
Kardia takes 6 to 8 steps, but crawling is still faster - it won't be long and crawling will be way slower for her.
1 John 5 - 4For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. 5 Who is he that overcometh the world, buthe that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?
My nephew Mark recently got baptized! It seems like his sister Alicia got baptized just yesteday - time flies!
Sorry we couldn't be there to enjoy the day with Mark, but I can see Mark's dad is taking my place though - thanks! PS This is our anniversary - thanks for the cards and also for the telephone call J.C. (Henderson)!
Neidon is a sharp dresser - and his grandma looks pretty good as well.
The Putnam County Fair is going on right now with the fairgrounds in downtown Cookeville. Saturday night we saw mule-pulling and no telling what exciting events are coming up! And we thought San Antonio had lots of exciting things going on!!
I pray my friends in the Houston area and the coast of Texas stay safe! Come north and spend time with us in Tennessee if you aren't sure of where to go to escape the storm.
Cindy and I have finally been going through Reed and Audrey's wedding photos and getting prints made - hey, it was only last May - we've been kind of busy dude!
This is one of the photos from the wedding weekend. Kaireia had a great time!
We dropped our SA house price again this past week - pray it sells quick! I can make you a great deal!