Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Christmas story re-enactment

No new photos, so something special from the old photo album. This is Rachel and her family playing out the Christmas story this past Christmas season.

You may have already noticed this, but if you click on a picture, it will let you see it somewhat larger than the small one posted within this blog. My old eyes need all the help they can get.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Reed in Mesa

Reed is enjoying Mesa, Arizona. We just wish he was closer.

Can you imagine working at a church with over 6,000 members and about 100 staff?

Reed enjoys working in children's ministry.

We'll see him in February - hooray!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Cold in Missouri

Yep - there is somebody in there!

It gets cold in Missouri.

Neidon is all wrapped up and ready to roll.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Pink Flamingo

Except for it being way too dry, we've had wonderful weather in San Antonio this week. Just perfect for pink flamingos to be out and about.

Here's our big guy taking a nap.

Catching flamingos is hard work.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Never alone

This is another of the "tub" shot series.

Rachel had sent this of Neidon and I thought "what a great shot!" (note that I've edited it for a G rating); and then I looked up and saw two little eyes peeking out!

Must have been Saturday night bath time.

Neidon, I promise you that you will have privacy some day. It just may be a few years away.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Post bath photo

Here he is - right out of the tub. I'm only posting the unrated photo! I'll tell you, he has some cute dimples.

Aren't those blue eyes beautiful?

Friday, January 20, 2006

Grandma ain't lettin' go

This shot was taken between Thanksgiving and Christmas of last year. Reed got to come to Mt. Vernon while we were there - what a great time.

You can tell Cindy ain't letting go of her grandbabies!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Ol' Blue Eyes

Well, no new grandbaby photos, so giving you an old one - maybe two weeks old or so - sorry.

Isn't Neidon handsome!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Red hat photo

This hat shot is from February of 2004 and one of my favorite photographs of Kaireia.

She still was not sitting by herself - see the hands of one of her folks holding her up?

I also like the animal print collar on her coat and cuffs. A real clothes horse.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Church sign

In an attempt to increase attendance, our church posted this sign!
Actually, there is a web site where you can create your own church signs - you can find anything on the web!

Girls wanna race too

This is Kaireia when she was just a few months old. It's one of her hat pictures and a great one. The hat says "Girls wanna race II". We got it as Rachel said she could become ANYTHING she wanted to when she grew up .... except a race car driver.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Child discipline

I was asked recently about why my kids turned out so great.

The answer: I took them for a little drive and talked to them.

simple enough ...

Four month comparison

I went back to my photo files of Feb/2004 to find Kaireia's 4 month old photo - she's on the left.
Neidon's 4 month photo is on the right.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Hug someone you love

Another hot day in San Antonio. Close to 80 degrees. Must be global warming.

Hug someone you love today. Take care.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Four months old

Neidon's four months old and still can't get away from the big sis.

Kaireia looks small until she's next to Neidon. Neidon is now 13 pounds and 7 oz and 24 1/2 inches long.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Reed and the twins

Still one of my favorite photos of the twins. It's the only photo we have of someone holding both of the twins. Reed is such a great uncle. As time goes on, I'll add some of my favorite older photos along with newer photos. I hope you all had a great week.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Web cam roll-over

Yesterday my folks were over so we got on my computer webcam with my daughter & were able to watch our grandson roll over in real time. Isn't technology great!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Tennessee Palm Pilot

I asked my sister Sandra in Tennessee what they used for appointments. She said "Palm pilots" and sent me a photo. (I don't want to lie or stretch the truth in this blog - heaven forbid. I must confess, this is not her hand. I know as she is right handed and logically would have to use her right hand to write on her left hand. Clearly, this is a picture of a left-handed palm user.) ... wasn't Clinton left handed?

Christmas Rejects

Our Christmas letter puts our best face forward - so to speak. But the pictures we reject are worth examining as well. Here are a couple for your consideration. These really make you look forward to the New Year and not want to look back, huh?


I often feel overloaded, especially coming into a New Year where you tend to pick up some new resolutions as well as getting back into work after a long holiday of R&R. Here's a great article I recently read titled Cancel Something. It's worth reading.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

For Kairou

This poem was on our old web site and I felt the need to add it to this blog.

Susan Skidmore wrote this poem for our grandson who we lost several years ago. It has been a blessing to us countless times. Thanks Susan!

For Kairou (10/15/03-10/20/03)

We longed to hear your first healthy cry,
to satisfy your needs with comfort and nourishment.

Instead, your short life taught us to cry out
to God, and we received His consolation and strength.

We hoped to see your sweet, dimpled smile –
to hear your laugh and share your innocent joy.

Instead, the anxious, fleeting days of your life
opened our eyes to see the Source of lasting joy.

We wanted to take your little hand and hold you steady,
to see excitement light your eyes when you took your first wobbly steps.

Instead, your brief life taught us to trust God when we stumbled,
to grasp His hand and take new steps of faith.

We thought God had sent you so that we could give you
a lifetime of our love.

Instead, God sent you to remind us that some day we will
share an eternity of God’s love.

by Susan Skidmore

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Floor plans

When I'm designing homes for clients, occasionally they have pets that have needs which must be incorporated within the design. I saw this cartoon and thought of that. It was sent to me via mass e-mail so I don't know who drew it. It you know, send me a note so I can credit the cartoonist. I think he hit the nail on the head!

Wedding photos

I think Neidon is going to grow up thinking that he has two mothers. The poor guy, he doesn't even know what has hit him!

They were at a wedding this past weekend and Rachel took this photo with her digital camera. Notice their beautiful blue eyes.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Scottish accent better to business success

I thought you must have an Australian accent to sell, but I have just learned that it is the Scottish accent that is the best. Check out this article in the London Evening Times. Oh yes, Americans come in second and Liverpudlians are last.