Thursday, December 22, 2011

Last workday of the week

Yesterday was a great day, I finally got a permit on a church addition in Madison that has taken 3.5 months to get through the city! We mobilize next week and break ground the 3rd of January - woohoo!

This is my last workday of the week. Tomorrow is a half-day at work and is mostly taken up by a office party. It will be interesting to see how that goes. They usually rent the high school gym or the Chamber of Commerce meeting room and have a huge breakfast and gift exchange - with over 100 employees we usually have about 250 or so in attendance.

With the down economy, they are going to do an open house at our office instead for field employees and staff to come through and wish each other Merry Christmas and hand out gifts - should prove interesting.

Well, off to work - have a great day.

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